Dr.Venkatesh Kumar M, Dr.Vinayan(Pediatric Neurology), Dr.C.Jayakumar, AIMS,Kochi. Three years old girl, 1st child of non- consanguinous marriage with uneventful birth history and normal development with mild hyperactivity in premorbid state presented with complaints of paroxysmal events started at the age of 2.5 years . At the age of 2.5 years ,the child had one episode of Read More …

A case of Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Dr Theresa, Dr Bhanu Vikraman Pillai(ped gastro), Dr Rema (Paed Haematology)Dr C Jayakumar, Amrita Institute of medical sciences, Kochi One year and eight month old male boy presented with history of constipation since 1 year. Since April 2024 , he had loss of appetite, increased water intake , persistent crying and abdominal distension. Mother also noticed Read More …

Thyroglossal Cyst

Dr.Shobika,Dr.C Jayakumar,Dr.Praveena,Dr. NaveenAIMS KOCHIFour year old male child brought with complaints of recurrent episodes of fever and sub mental swelling that occasionally increases in size with pain.Past history – No h/o previous hospital admissionsBirth history – 1st child of NCMAntenatal history – uneventful Natal history- Term/LSCS(NPL)/b.w-2kg/CIABPost natal history – uneventfulDevelopment and immunization upto age.Growth parameters were Read More …

Epitaxis in Children; The need for evaluation

Dr.Rithwik Sunil, Dr Rema(Paed haemato)Dr. C JayakumarTwo year old female child presented with bleeding from the left nostril and 2 episode of vomiting containing frank blood. She was drowsy and was admitted in PICU. In view of persistent drowsiness she was electively intubated. Investigations doneout side hospital showed Hemoglobin – 4 with Platelets of 90,000. She was Read More …

A Case of Abnormal Looking Head

Dr Mahak, Dr Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS Kochi Five month old male brought for abnormal head shape for evaluation. Born at 38 weeks via LSCS due to Fetal Distress and meconium stained amniotic fluid. Head circumference 32.5cm kgs and3.2 kg birth weight He was started on O2 hood at 2L for 4.5 hours and was Read More …

A case of Morquio syndrome 

DrGhaniya DrSheela Nampoothiri (PaedGenetics)Dec Jayakumar AIMS KOCHI  Fifteen year old male, genetically proven Morquio syndrome (MPS-IV) diagnosed at 1 years 5 months presented with complaints of urethral pain He is on


intermittent self catheterisation and fever since one day. No h/o cough/vomiting/ abdominal pain/ loose stools,sick contactH/o TB contact + ( Mother – lymph node TB -2017 Read More …

Drug induced dural venous sinus thrombosis

Dr varsha v s / Dr Praveena bhaskar,DrC Jayakumar Seventeen year old boy with h/o ITP diagnosed 6 months ago, on eltrombopag and steroids presented with severe headache , dizziness and an episode of vomiting of 1 day duration. He had h/o persistent thrombocytopenia and was started on Romiplastin 3 days before the onset of symptoms. On Read More …


Dr.SreeLekshmy.S, Dr.C.Jayakumar, Dr.JayasreeTerm(37week+1day) old male ba was born to an overt diabetic mother and ba cried immediately after birth with stable vitals.Anterior fontanelle was (1cmx1cm). Systems normal. Total serum bilirubin done at 48hrs of life was above the cut off and was started on double surface phototherapy. No incompatibility.TSH (92.91 uIU/ml) and normal fT4(1.66ng/dl). Repeat Read More …

Centronuclear Myopathy

Dr Joepaul Joy, Dr Vinayan KP,Dr Vyshak Anand(Ped neuro), Dr Sheela Nampoothiri(Genetics), Dr C Jayakumar                                                                    AIMS, KochiFive year old male child, term, Read More …