Unveiling the hidden shunt: A rare case of Abernathy malformation in a young child

Dr varsha v s, Dr Bhanu V Pillai(Paed GastroDr C Jayakumar  Three and half year old male born at 32 weeks presented with fever and dysuria Clinical Status:Child has stable vitals and PICCLE normal growth parametersSystem examination No encephalopathy, non tender hepatomegaly. Investigations presence of pus cells in the urine, elevated C-reactive protein (CRP), and neutrophilic leukocytosis. Ultrasound Read More …


Dr Terrentia DrSajith Kesavan (intensivist and paediatric Pulmonology)DrC Jayakumar  Four months old male child k/c/o tetralogy of fallot and persistent pneumonia preeented with high grade fever spikes, cough with increased work of breathing and grunting with few episodes of hemoptysis.Child was detected to have Tetrology of Fallot at 5 months anti natal scanPostnatal ECHO done Read More …

Vision at Risk !!!!

Dr.SreeLekshmy.S, Dr.Jayasree, Dr.Praveena,DrC Jayakumar Thirty four weeks old expreterm female ba, born to A 29year old G3A2 mother emergency LSCS developed respiratory distress at birth, was started on CPAP and surfactant in view of type 1 RDS. Caffeine given in view of apnea of prematurity was stopped on day 31 .Subsequently all support were tapered Read More …

“A Rare presentation of Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome: clinical and genetic insights”

Dr.Joepaul Joy, Dr.Sajitha Nair,Dr.SheelaNampoothiri(Genetics), Dr. C Jayakumar,AIMS, Kochi Seven year old female child , third child of NCM, term ba, BW of 3.5kg with global development delay and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy on multidisciplinary follow up, history of recurrent cough and wheeze since past five years and was on MDI Budesonide and salbutamol came to the OPD Read More …

Majeed Syndrome

Dr.Jerin.K.John, Dr.Suma Balan (PedRheumat, AIMS), Dr.C. Jayakumar A 7-year-old girl, born at term with a birth weight of 2.5 kg, presented with intermittent bilateral ankle and knee joint pain and swelling since the age of 1 year, along with a past history of skin rash. On examination, there was swelling and tenderness of the left ankle and Read More …


Dr Anakha V Ajay   Dr Jayasree(Dept of Neonatology) Dr Naveen Vishwanath(Dept of Pediatric surgery) Dr C Jayakumar( Dept of Pediatrics) AIMS Kochi Eleven day old outborn preterm , born to a forty two year old elderly Gravida 7 ,Abortion 6 mother at 30+5 weeks of gestation as twin one elective LSCS (Indication- DCDA Read More …

A case of benign spindle cell neoplasm

Dr Theresa, Dr Praveena,DrC Jayakumar (Amrita Institute of Medical sciences, Kochi)1Twelve year old male child s/p TAPVC repair presented with complaints of a swelling noted in the right side of neck since 1 month duration. Initially  the size was 0.5 X 0.5cm soft, non tender , mobile, with no erythema but increased in size in Read More …

Case of Incomplete Kawasaki Disease

Dr.Shobika,Dr.SajithaNair ,DrSreya Nair DrSindhu Dr.C. Jayakumar,AIMS KochiEleven months old male ba presented with high grade intermittent fever of 18 days duration –associated with occasional cough of 2 weeks duration.No history of associated fast breathing/ chest indrawing/ grunting/ cyanosis/ seizures.Labs in the local hospital showed neutrophilic leucocytosis with elevated inflammatory markers. Xray chest showed hilar prominence .He Read More …

From the Gut to the Brain,

Dr.Rithwik Sunil,  Dr.Praveena N B,  Dr C Jayakumar   One year 7-month girl, of a non-consanguineous parentage , presented with complaints of altered sensorium and seizures following an acute febrile illness. History of high-grade fever and altered stools with blood  was also  present. History of similar complaints in sibling and  children of neighbourhood were noted.She Read More …