A case of Poland syndrome 

Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Vinitha Prasad , Dr.C.Jayakumar , Amrita institute of medical sciences Six year old male child presented with asymmetry of the anterior left chest with flat ill developed nipple No history of left side weaknessDiagnosis considered is Poland syndrome. On examination , There is absence of pectoralis major on the left side. Overlying soft tissues of the Read More …


Dr Adeena , Dr Naveen, Dr Pramod [Pediatric surgery] , Dr Jayakumar AIMS Kochi Three month old boy, 2nd child of NCM, with antenatal history of polyhydraminos and Gestational diabetes on diet control from 5 month of gestation,born preterm 36+1/7 via Emergency LSCS weighing 3kg and had secondary apnoea requiring Positive pressure ventilation followed NICU Read More …


Dr.Venkatesh Kumar, Dr.Praveena Bhaskar Dr.C.Jayakumar, AIMS,Kochi.Eight month old male child- presented with complaints of erythematous rashes which were initially noticed mother on face,hands and over the trunk of days duration associated with high grade intermittent fever and rhinitis of 3 days duration.As the symptoms persisted and labs done outside showed leucopenia with thrombocytopenia,he was Read More …

Case of CPAM

Dr.Shobika,Dr.Mohan abraham,Dr.Aswin Prabhakaran(Paed surgery)DrCJayakumar AIMS KOCHITerm,AGA,Male ba,whose antenatal scan showed Enlarged echogenic left lung causing mediastinal shift to right-suggestive of Congenital pulmonary airway malformationType 3(microcytic)(CPAM volume-12.6cc,CVR ratio-0.4cm2).After birth,ba had no distress.Air entry bilaterally equal,,hemodynamically stable,not required any support.Contrast enhanced CT chest which showed CPAM 3 or hybrid lesion with no significant change in size, started  on Read More …

Evaluation of Congenital Toxoplasmosis

Dr Rithwik Sunil, Dr Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr C JayakumarFour month old male ba presented with abnormal shape of head and distended abdomen. Vitals and PICCLE were normalANTENATAL HISTORY: 3RD child of NCM after a failedCopper T device application There is H/o fever with lymphadenopathy in 3rd month for which supportive treatment was received History of spotting Read More …

Case of Silvery Grey Hair

Dr. Mahak, Dr Sajitha Nair, Dr Sindhu, Dr Sreya, Dr Jayakumar, Department of Pediatrics, AIMS, Kochi one year old male child, sixth child of third degree consanguinous marriage, born preterm at 35 weeks via Emergency LSCS(in view of PIH), developmentally normal and immunised for age presented with high grade intermittent fever of 3 week duration. Read More …

Case of pancreatitis

Dr. Ghaniya KC, Dr. Bhanu Vikraman Pillai (Paed Gastro) DrC Jayakumar A twelve-year-old male child presented with severe abdominal pain for one full day. The patient has a history of recurrent acute pancreatitis, with the first episode occurring at seven years of age, and has had four similar episodes since then. The child has been Read More …

Case of Patau syndrome

Dr Varsha V S, Dr Jayasree C, Dr Lakshmi S Nair, Dr Perraju Bendapudi, Dr Ashwin S Prabhu, Dr Smrithi Madhava Menon. (AimsNeo)DrC Jayakumar AIMS Kochi. Late PreTerm/Symmetrical SGA/Female ba born to a 25 years old primi mother. Mother have no medical illness. Antenatal scans normal. Emergency LSCS was done due to oligohydramnios. Ba cried immediately after birth Ba Read More …

JMML Vs RALD-K-RAS(Kristen Rat Sarcoma MUTATION in a 1 year old?!

Dr.Terencia, Dr Neeraj /Dr.Manoj Unni/Dr. Rema(Dept of Clinical Hematology), Dr. C Jayakumar One year old child the first born of non-consanguinous parentagewith mild motor delay presented with history of recurrent infections from 7months of age.History of treatment for acute febrile illness with complementary and alternative system of medicine (CAM) is also availableChild had three episodes Read More …