Autoimmune Hepatitis

Dr.Jerin K John, Dr.Bhanu Vikraman Pillai (Ped Gastro AIMS), Dr.C.Jayakumar  A two-year-old girl presented with yellowish discoloration of skin and sclera and high-colored urine for 12 days. There was also a history of non-bilious, non-projectile, non-blood tinched vomiting for two days ten days back. Her stools were intermittently acholic number 2 on Bristol chart These symptoms Read More …


Dr Anakha V Ajay   DrMadumitha (ENT) Dr.CJayakumar AIMS, KochiA two month old child presented with complaints of noisy breathing since birth which used to resolve in lateral postilion. There is history of poor weight gain also due probably due to poor feeding. There is no history of regurgitation of feeds or boyishness . She is Read More …

Complex Interplay of Behcet’s Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Adolescence: A Case Report”

Dr. Venumadhav, Dr.suma Balan (PaedRheumatology) Dr. C. JayakumarDepartment of Pediatrics, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences IntroductionA sixteen-year-old male presented to the outpatient department with complaints of recurrent episodes of pain and swelling of multiple large joints over the past two years, recurrent painful oral and genital ulcers, and intermittent abdominal pain over the past one Read More …

Case of Moebius Syndrome

Dr.Ch. Venkat Kumar Raju, Dr.C Jayakumar Department of pediatrics   8yr old child was brought to a tribal outreach camp with complaints of lack of facial expressions since birth. He has never been evaluated or examined before. On probing he had difficulty in closure of eyes during sleep. He was born 1st of non-consanguineous marriage Read More …


Dr.Subbulakshmi P S, Dr.Vinitha Prasad, Dr.Stefy, Sunny  Dr.Shela Sany, Dr.Jayakumar C AIMS, Kochi One month old female child born out of third degree consanguineous marriage presented with the complaints of multiple fractures of the upper and lower limbs since day 9 of life . No history of trauma/ fall. The pregnancy was uneventful and the Read More …

Unusual Umbilical Discharge in a New born : A case report

Dr.Sruthi Suresh, Dr. Naveen (Paediatric surgery), Dr.Aisha (Paediatric surgery), Dr.C.Jayakumar Six day old male child, 1st child of non-consanguineous marriage presented with the complaints of passage of faecal matter through umbilicus of 1 day duration. Antentally detected to have left ectopic kidney in the second trimester scan and born term via normal vaginal delivery with birth weight Read More …

A Case of mixed connective tissue disorder 

Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Suma Balan (Paed Rheumato),Dr.C.Jayakumar AIMS KOCHI Eleven year old female child presented with edema of hands and feet since April 2023. She had pain in several joints of the hands and feet and in the Tempero mandibular joint. Pain and swelling were more in the morning hours .She also had weight loss and fatigue. Read More …

“Staph Aureus” : the culprit.

Dr. Adeena D SDr Sajith Kesavan(Paed pulmonologist and intensive st,Dr Greeshma Issac(intensivist)Dr Praveena, Dr C JayakumarAIMS,kochi Eleven year old boy presented with complaints of left hip pain of 1 week duration after trauma during sports at school and inability to bear weight since 2 days.H/o an abrasion wound over left elbow few days prior to onset Read More …


Dr.Venkatesh Kumar, Dr.Sheela Nampoothiri (Genetics),DrC JayakumarAIMS, Kochi.Seven year old boy – first born of non-consanguineous marriage presented with difficulty in walking, frequent falls and abnormal walking pattern since 2 years of age. Our side AIMS hospital was investigated on so many occasions and surgery was advised after 15 years of age.He is immunised upto age Read More …

Case of Lupus Myocarditis

Dr Theresa Raju, Dr Suma Balan(Rheumatology), Dr C Jayakumar, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi Seven ear old female child 1st born of a consanguineous marriage parentage LSCS presented with history of fever associated with breathlessness 3 months back. Evaluation at a local hospital found heart failure(moderate LV dysfunction and EF of 30%, NT pro BNP Read More …