Dr.Venkatesh Kumar.M,Dr. Pavithran(Medical Oncology), Dr.Praveena, Dr.C.Jayakumar, AIMS, Kochi. Four years old male 3rd child developmentally normal and immunised from Maldives at the age of 2 years is noticed to have a swelling over his abdomen incidentally the mother The swelling was initially in the abdomen but has progressively increased in size and they have Read More …


Dr Theresa Raju, Dr Suma Balan(Dept of Rheumatology), Dr C Jayakumar, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences Twelve year old female presented with a 6 month history of evening rise in temperature, initially treated symptomatically with anti pyretics. The fever was intermittent, low grade not associated with chills. The mother also noticed painless a neck swelling Read More …

A Case of SLE with lupus nephritis

Dr.Shobika,Dr.C Jayakumar,Dr.PraveenaAIMS KOCHISixteen year old girl with normal past medical reccords presented with one month history of joint pain of the hands.She had progressive pedal edema followed frothy urineOn evaluation she was found to have anemia,thrombocytopenia, altered renal function and alopecia.Her immunisation is partial only till 6 months of age.Auxololgy showed normal growth parameters.On Read More …

Approach to Fanconis Anemia

Dr.Rithwik Sunil, Dr. Praveena N Bhaskaran , Dr. C JayakumarAIMS KOCHI One year old male child from Maldives presented with complaints of noisy breathing and abnormal shape of head since birth.No h/o fast breathing, chest retractions,bluishness ,fever, loose stools, seizures, rash , dysuria This is the 1st child of NCM and antenatal growth scan showed microcephaly at Read More …

Cantu Syndrome

Three year and five month year old female child, 4th child of non consanguinous marriage, dull term ba LSCS developmentally normal and immunised Up todate with birth weight of 4.2kgs presented for the evaluation of generalised hairiness over the body noticed since birth. There were no other active issues with the child. On examination, auxology Read More …

A Comprehensive Case Report on Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy 

Dr.Ghaniya KC, Dr.C JayakumarAIMS KOCHI  A nine-year-old male, the second-born of non-consanguineous parents, presented with complaints of pain in the calf muscles and proximal upper limb muscles since June 2023. Clinical Presentation The child was in good health until June ,2023, when he began experiencing pain in his calf region during lunch. The pain progressively Read More …


Dr. Terencia, Dr. Madhumitha(Dept of E.N.T), Dr. C JayakumarAIMS, KOCHI. Four year old female child from Russia,tracheostomy depended ,presented with congenital subglottic stenosis since birth and unable to vocalise after a failed laser excision .She has no difficulty in feeding or breathing difficulty.Child had developed respiratory distress immediately after birth and on further evaluation was diagnosed Read More …

A Blue Haze !!!Unraveling the cause of infant cyanosis

Dr.Sree Lekshmy.S, Dr.Sajitha Nair, Dr.Sindhu, Dr.Sreya,DrC Jayakumar  Three month old female first child of non consanguineous couple ,bottle fed, developed high grade fever, multiple episodes of loose watery stools for 4 days and reduced activity,poor feeding of 2 days . As ba had severe dehydration, acidosis ,bluishness of tounge and features of sepsis (CRP was Read More …