Navigating the Shadows: A Pediatric Case of EmpyemaUnveiling the Intricacies of Diagnosis, Treatment, and the Triumph of Thoracoscopic Debridement”

Dr Varsha V S, Dr Jayakumar.C, Dr Vinitha Prasad, Dr Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr NavyaGeorge.AIMS, KochiSeven year old female child, who is developmentally normal with no significant past history presented to the ER with complaints of, on and off fever since 2 weeksassociated with wet cough. Child was treated with macrolides for 2 days,followed Read More …

Histiocytic Sarcoma ?spontaneous remission 

Dr. Jerin K John, Dr. C JayakumarFive month-old first child born on 13 -1-2021 of a non consanguineous parentage, exclusively breastfed,and developmentally normal was referred with generalised lymphadenopathy and massive hepatosplenomegaly (Liver 7cm below the right costal margin and spleen 6cm below the left costal margin respectively )for further evaluation. Differential diagnosis1.Thalassemia OsteoporosisNeiman pick disease Gaucher’s disease Adult type Read More …

Rash occasionally it is an enigma 

⁩Dr Joepaul, Dr Sathyajith G Nair, Dr Sajitha Nair, Dr C Jayakumar One yr nine month old male presented with complaints of itchy maculopapular rashes since 1 month to begin with over hands and later spread all over the body Second day of the illness he had high grade fever for which he git parental antibiotics Read More …

From Choking Hazards to Chronic Wheeze: Unseen Culprit

Dr. Venumadhav, Dr. Sajith Keshavan, Dr. C.Jayakumar  A two-year-old male attended a local hospital with a history of choking after consuming peanuts. Initial management at the primary care facility involved a CT Virtual Bronchoscopy, which revealed a 6x6mm soft density lesion in the airway, subsequently it was removed through bronchoscopy. Despite initial treatment, the child’s Read More …


Dr.Subbulakshmi P S, Dr.Jayakumar.C, Dr.Vinitha, Dr. Praveena N Bhaskaran, Dr.Suchitra Sivadas.AIMS, Kochi Nine year old boy presented with right sided neck swelling for 2 months. It was painless and was gradually increasing in size no h/o fever, weight loss, night sweats, progressive pallor, bleeding tendency ,cough, breathlessness, contact  with TB, rash , joint pain No other Read More …

POLR3A mutation unveiled : A rare case report and clinical insights

Dr.Sruthi, Dr.Sheela Nampoothiri, Dr.Praveena, Dr.C Jayakumar ,AIMS KOCHI Five year old female child from Jharkand presented for evaluation of neuroregression and recurrent respiratory infections. She is the 4th child of a non-consanguineous marriage with uneventful antenatal period and born and developing normally.  At two years of age she started having difficulty in swallowing, nasal regurgitation and failure to gain weight. At 2.5 years of age she Read More …

All joint pains are not arthritis.

A case of Leukemia. Dr.Akshay Kishore , Dr.Suma Balan , Dr.C.JayakumarFive year old male child  presented with joint swelling and redness of 1 month durationTo begin with pain and swelling occurred in small joints of hand and then to elbow and foot associated severe bone pain especially in the limbs. There is history of night cry and awakening due to pain. There Read More …

Look out for the Heart!

Dr. Venkat Kumar Raju, Dr.Krishna Kumar ,Dr.C Jayakumar Ten year-old male presented with progressive abdominal distention of 3 months duration and breathlessness on exertion of 1 month duration. There was no history of fever, yellowish discoloration of skin and eyes, No bleeding manifestations.a His urine out put was normal and not frothyOn Examination, he had stable Read More …